Sunday, July 29, 2012

DC Life - Chillin in Bloomingdales

After 3 months of job searching, I managed to nail a job back in my "first home away from home" - Washington, DC. After applying for a thousand jobs and submitting my resume into the black hole of unemployment waiting, I manage to get a yes.

Ergo, I packed my bags and headed to D.C. so I can make it in time for fourth of July :) aaaaand into a massive heatwave of (105 degrees F)

D.C. is beautiful in the summer except when it's scorching hot then I think it's close to hell.

I've been staying with my friend in her beautiful 1920s house. It's humungous and their rent is so cheap. (seething in jealousy) However, there is just so much room that I don't step on anyone's toes while crashing here and looking for a place to stay.

I have no idea how long I will stay. I have no idea if this was a good career move. I just know...when fate gives you a bone you better take it. There is so much to do in the city and NYC is just a four hour bus ride away. Trips to Europe is cheap from JFK airport AND I get to experience the four seasons. As much as I love the beach, I'd take East Coast living any day. At least there's more variety and opportunities to do something worthwhile.

This is a massive life changing decision ... and I am at a critical point in my life where my choices do matter because it will impact where I ultimately will be when I reach 30. One thing is for sure, at 30 I want be satisfied and established. I have a vision for what I intend to do and it is just a matter of figuring out how to get there and how to do it.

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